Monday, December 16, 2013

Cool Pictures from MRI and CT Scan

First MRI picture of the tumor. White spot on right side. 
This picture below was taken during her Wada Test. You can see the wire on the lower right side being sent through her artery.
This next picture below was taken during the CT scan while they placed the head frame on her head. You can see two of the four pins that were secured in her skull to keep frame in place. 
In the picture below, you can see the laser fiber that was place in the tumor. This picture was taken at some point during the "burn". 
This colorful picture of her brain is just cool! Not exactly sure what it tells us. 

This picture shows the black hole where the tumor once lived!

This last picture is a neat profile picture of Erica's head. 

Heading to CT!

Booked our flights and are super excited to finally be able to visit family and friends in Connecticut. We will fly into Hartford on Dec 25 in the evening, and we will stay through Jan 6.  Looking forward to saying goodbye to 2013 and welcoming 2014!

Student of the Month!

Erica was recognized as one of Preston Middle School's Student of the Month!  We are so proud of her.

Mrs. Baker and Erica

Friday, November 29, 2013

Look what I can do!

After many months of restricted activities, Erica enjoyed her moments of getting back in the water and on the ice. She described this week as freeing!

And yes, she is supposed to still be taking it easy on her ankle. 😳

Monday, November 25, 2013

Oh...and about her ankle...

She had a check-up with her Orthopedic doctor last week.  X-ray looked good.  She no longer needs to wear the walking boot.  She has three more weeks in an ankle brace and has been cleared for light activity.  Doc said it is okay for a little Tae Kwon Do and ice skating, but nothing intense.  Another check-up in one month.  Whew! 

One Month Follow-Up Appointment with Neurology Team


We met with her neurology team today:  Dr. Park (Epilepsy Specialist), Dr. O'Neill (Neurosurgeon), and Dr. Wilkensen (Neuropsychologist).  In brief, all were very pleased with Erica's progress.  Seizure free, with not even an aura, was celebrated by all.  They were excited to hear how well Erica recovered.  We spoke in length with Dr. Park about Erica's current medications and dosage.  Her recommendation is to continue to take current dosage and both medications.  She believes the brain is still calming and it is uncertain if medication is assisting this process.  Since things are going so well, let's continue the course for a bit longer.  We will reevaluate at our next visit. 

Next steps:
In 3 months - Meet with Dr. Park for check-up
In 6 months - Repeat MRI
In 9 months - Neuropschology Testing

Great day to celebrate!  We are looking forward to Thanksgiving Break so that she can swim and ice skate, both activities she has not been able to participate in for some time.  Looks like we'll look into booking flights for Winter Break so that we can visit CT!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


At Erica's two week check-up, we learned from the pathology report that her tumor was in fact benign! Yay! Today marks three weeks of being seizure-free. Erica started back to a full day of school (every other day) this week. So glad to be getting our lives back to some normalcy. Now if we can get her walking without an aircast boot, we'll be smooth sailing!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Exploring Rocketry!

11 days seizure free!  Still doing amazing.  We meet with Dr. O'Neill (Superman) on Thursday for a check-up and biopsy results.  We will then meet on Nov 25 with the neurology team supporting Erica.  We will see what the next steps are for Erica and when we can start to wean her off medication.

In the meantime, we've kept busy this weekend exploring rocketry.  Erica has joined a rocketry team at her school.  They have not started meeting yet, but the rocketry mentor at Erica's school, Mr. Howe (assistant principal) invited us to attend a rocket launch event today.  He and several other Preston students and parents attended and spent the day launching rockets.  This was Erica and Sam's first exposure to rocketry.  Within 5 minutes they were hooked!  Sam was one of the best rocket retrievers at the event.  We were also very happy to celebrate Mr. Howe's successful launch to earn him his Level 2 rocketry certification.  So much fun and learning today!
Learning how to prepare a rocket

Preparing rocket

Retrieving Rocket

Mr. Howe and Preston Rocketeers!

Packing the rocket

Getting ready for launch!

Happy Halloween!

What a tremendous week back to school.  Although Erica missed her ladies in the front office, she didn't miss the reason for visiting the nurses office so frequently.  What a miraculous change in Erica.  Absolutely NO SEIZURES, not even an aura!  We have all noticed, teachers included, that her focus and clarity have improved.  Can't wait to see how good she feels when she can get off her medications.  That will be some time though. 

Halloween approached with many fun events on the calendar.  Sam was excited to be a Sumo wrestler and Erica was going to be one of the "Dumb and Dumber" duo (Her friend Sanne was the other).  Sam's class had a Halloween party.  Trick-or-Treating of course was a highlight and we had lots of fun with our good friends.  Erica's school also had a Halloween activity night on Friday for which I also had "activity night duty".  This never pleases Erica, but something miraculous happened in the dance area! I was enjoying a peppy tune and dancing a bit.  Normally Erica would be totally embarrassed and leave the room.  Not this time!  She and her friends came over and danced the rest of the song with me!!  Love that girl.  Later on in the evening, Dumb and Dumber (Erica and Sanne) won for one of the best costumes at the dance. 
Sumo Sam!

Dumb and Dumber

Best costumes at Preston Activity Night!

First seizure-free weekend...and LOTS of smiles!

So it has been a week since I've had some down time to blog our family's progress.  It is a GOOD thing because we've been busy getting our lives back to normal!  Erica's recovery has been unbelievable.

Besides resting last weekend, Erica also had a chance to spend time with some of her closest friends.  MJ and Sanne visited on Friday night.  Although I was a bit anxious that increased activity and movement might trigger a seizure, nothing of the sort happened.  It was good to see her cheeks get pink from giggling and activity, and even better when she didn't have a seizure.

Sanne and Erica
MJ and Erica

She rested up on Saturday to prepare for a busy Sunday.  Sam had a great hockey practice, played floor hockey with Mimi and then made dinner for us all! 

Sam in black with white helmet...playing defense as usual!

Team Martino
VS  Team Pallone
Chef Sam!
Getting ready for yummy pork chops and grilled potatoes!
Sunday was a great day of celebration. Sanne and Petra (Sanne's mom), hosted a wonderful luncheon for Erica and her "school support group".  What a special group of kids!  Thanks to the Westenbrinks for hosting a great luncheon to celebrate a successful surgery.  Had a great time jumping in leaves, eating Erica's favorite food for lunch, and playing charades.


Best Seizure Support Group Ever!
Later that day, Erica was feeling so good, we decided to stop by a Halloween party.  We stayed long enough for the kids to carve pumpkins, visit with friends, and for Sam to win one of the grand prizes for best pumpkin.  I think the sideburns is what won it for him! 

Sam's winning pumpkin!  Sideburns and all!
Mimi was scheduled to leave back for CT on Monday.  We all returned to school and Mimi joined Sue for lunch and successfully embarrassed Erica in the lunch line.  What a wonderful visit with Sue's mom.  Thanks Mom for being there through it all!  We will miss you!!!
Back to School!
Getting goodbye hugs from Mimi in the lunch line!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Home and Resting!

Yesterday was a busy day and exhausting day.  I think Erica had a fairly good night of rest, but Sue struggled with the rock-hard bed and many visits from nurses checking Erica's vitals, changing IV drips, etc...Starting at 7am, Erica was visited by many different doctors and nurses throughout the morning.  All were very impressed by how well she was recovering.  Aside from a bit of lingering nausea, she had managed to eat a light breakfast.  Doctor O'Neill and his team stopped by with great news.  Erica was well enough to head home after she received her last dose of steroid/antibiotic via IV sometime between 11 and 12. 
Superman and Supergirl!

We learned that during Erica's surgery, they had been using a new software program and head frame.  They were impressed with how "slick" and "smooth" the surgery went using this new software/hardware.  Erica was also the very first patient at Children's Hospital to undergo Visualase surgery and not need to go to ICU post-surgery.  They said she is a trend setter for future patients! 

We continued to have many visits to our room.  Mimi and Sam arrived to help us pack and get discharged.  Erica also had several gift deliveries from her grandparents!  Thanks for cheering up the morning!

Finally, a well needed hug from brother!
Checking out her pin-holes from the frame

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Charron!

Thank you Greg, Lindsey, Grandma and Grandpa Martino!
Erica received her final dosage of antibiotics and had her IVs removed.  We dressed, packed, and checked out around 12:30  We couldn't believe that 12 hours earlier, Erica was having a tumor removed.  Incredible what current technology can do for quick and painless recoveries! 

Mimi drove us home.  Erica and Sue slept the entire ride and then some more when we arrived at home.  Thanks to Mimi for taking care of Sam while the girls got rested up!  The rest of the day and evening was very low key.  The whole family was mentally drained from all that we've been through.  Erica decided it was time to shower and wash out her hair.  When we took the hair-tie out of her hair, the side pony that she was wearing simply stood in place from all the gunk left over from surgery.  She sat in the shower for some time letting the water run down her head.  She had lots of dry blood and left-over soap from when they washed with disinfectant soap and alcohol. After the shower, mom carefully brushed her hair out and took a good look at the incision.  It looked clean and healthy.  We rested the rest of the evening and had a wonderful night sleep. 
Ahhh...nothing like clean hair!

That's all folks!  That's the incision.  All that remains from a tumor being removed.
Friday has been a wonderfully restful day.  Erica is excited to see her good friends tonight.  They should be by in a bit for a visit. 

Did I mention we are 2+ days of being seizure free?  Still keeping fingers crossed.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

What a day!

Erica is recovering wonderfully from her surgery today.  We spent about 45 minutes in the recovery room.  Mom, dad, and Mimi were all by her side as she came to to awareness.   She had all the typical side effects that come with being anesthetized.  She was extremely tired, dry throat and mouth, and low oxygen levels at times.  Otherwise, she was in good condition; enough so that she didn't have to spend any time in the ICU.  The wheeled her off to her room on the 6th floor which was the room exactly next to the one we spent a week in!

Sam was very anxious to see Erica and was relieved to see her in her new room.  It was touching to see how tender and concerned he was with Erica.  After getting settled into her new room and bed, she napped for a few hours. Occasionally, her oxygen levels would get low and her monitors would beep at us.  Sam was the first to run to her side and coach her on taking deep long breaths.  She continued to nap in between nurse check-ups and brief conversations with Mom, Dad, Mimi, and Sam.  We all quietly played Pay Day while she napped.  Sam soon discovered there was an X-Box and played ice hockey for some time.

Around 4pm, she woke and needed to use the restroom.  She had been complaining of a bit of nausea.  She was slow to get to the restroom, but even slower to get back.  She didn't want to leave the bathroom because she wanted badly to vomit.  We finally convinced her that she would feel better  laying in her bed and would have a little bucket close by.  Nurses gave her some anti-nausea medicine which seemed to do the trick.  She never did get sick. When she was at her grumpiest, there was a knock on the door with a flower delivery.  The beautiful surprise couldn't have come at a better time.  It certainly lifted her spirits.  Thank you Preston Staff for such beautiful flowers and well wishes.  Erica and I couldn't work/educate with a better group of people.  So fortunate to have them in our lives!

Dad left for home at dinner time.  Mimi and Sam stayed to eat dinner with us.  Erica continued to fall in and out of sleep throughout the evening, but continued to also improve in alertness and demeanor.  She was able to muster up a bit of energy to Face Time with Sanne and MJ.  It was therapeutic I think.  She fell back to sleep looking a little bit more at peace.

Dr. O'Neill came to check on Erica after dinner.  He assured us that everything went as planned in the surgery and that she is recovering wonderfully.  He thinks that if she can stay hydrated without IV and is eating okay on her own by tomorrow morning, then she should be good to go home tomorrow afternoon!  She has a one-stitch incision above her left ear.  They described it as a LONG stitch that is like a shoelace starting at her skull and going up to the surface.  She also has three pin marks from the head frame.  Two on her forehead and one on the back of her head.  Everything is healing great.

Dr. ONeill's very fab O.R. hair styling!

It is still hard to believe that Erica had a brain tumor removed today and will likely go home tomorrow with a single stitch!  We can't be more thankful to innovative thinkers, technology, and scientific advances.  We are keeping fingers crossed that Erica's epilepsy has been cured.  No seizures to speak of after surgery. :0)

Today can't come to a close without thanking so many family members and friends that sent positive messages, prayers, emails, texts, calls, cards, delivered updates to others, gave hugs and held hands. Today will be a day remembered as one filled with love and support, not traveled alone.  From the bottom of our hearts...thank you!
Erica posted this yesterday on Instagram!